Author and Scriptwriter

'Among the most important writers of contemporary British horror.' -Ramsey Campbell

Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Lords Of Salem

My review of Rob Zombie's The Lords Of Salem is now up at This Is Horror.


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Film Reviews: Entity and I Didn't Come Here To Die

I have a couple of new film reviews up over at This Is Horror, for Bradley Scott Sullivan's blackly hilarious I Didn't Come Here To Die and Steve Stone's terrifying Entity

Saturday 20 April 2013

A bundle of stuff- The Condemned, the Prestwich Book Festival, plus reviews of Maniac and 247 F

Hello all.  Today's a day for a few updates.

As you've probably noticed, The Condemned isn't out for you to buy and read/worship/line the budgie's cage with yet.  That's my fault; I've dawdled a bit on the final checks and rewrites.  The new collection should now be out around mid-May.  Will keep you all posted on that.

In other news, I shall be at the Prestwich Book Festival at the British Legion in Prestwich (near Heaton Park Metrolink Station, it says here) on the evening of Monday 27th May, to help promote Impossible Spaces, a new anthology from Hic Dragones, the good people who organised the Manchester Monster Convention last year.  Edited by Hannah Kate, it includes my story Trading Flesh.  Also present will be superb Manchester poet Rosie Garland, whose collection Things I Did While I Was Dead I discovered, and loved, last year, and whose novel, The Palace Of Curiosities, is out now
from HarperCollins.  Also present will be new author Toby Stone, and a bunch of contributors to the anthology.  Plus an honest to good cryptozoologist- a field I admit to being fascinated by.

I'll hopefully have some copies of The Faceless and The Condemned to flog and sign, too.

Finally, I have a couple of new film reviews up at This Is Horror: Franck Khalfoun's Maniac and Levan Bakhia and Beqa Jguburia's 247 F.