
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Discounts on Hell's Ditch hardback and ebook

Okay: I'm going to do a quick bit of plugging here, with a request for signal boosting to anyone who can.

Just a quick bit of info for anyone who isn't already aware - Snowbooks are doing a discount on both the hardback and ebook of Hell's Ditch. [My author copies arrived yesterday: that's one of them you can see in the picture there. And no, I didn't sleep with it under my pillow last night. Honest.]

The hardback is available at £20.00 - that's £5 off the normal retail price.

The ebook is 50% off, at £3.99.

These offers aren't available on Amazon, only buying from the Snowbooks website. It's an promotional offer to go with the launch of the book, so it'll only be available for a couple more days.

So if you'd like to read the book for less money, click here or here! And if anybody wants to signal boost by sharing this via Facebook, Twitter or other social media, I'd be hugely grateful to them.

Okay, that's all the spamming done. Sorry for the self-promotion; normal service resumes now.

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